Why The Mediterranean Diet Is The Best Of All

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People diet for different reasons. Some diet to lose weight, others as part of their medical treatment. Whatever the reason, they are all related to physical well-being, so choosing the best diet is essential. Many nutrition experts consider the Mediterranean diet the best diet of all and here I will show you why.
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What is the Mediterranean Diet About?
The Mediterranean diet owes its name to the diet of the countries near the Mediterranean.
Its main goal is for the person to lose weight, although it’s not the only one.
Many recommend it to improve overall health.
In fact, in 2010, the diet was included in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity by Unesco.
This diet boasts a large number of vegetables, grains and greens, whilst reducing the consumption of red meat, although it can be included from time to time.
Sweets and dairy are also very limited in the eating plan.
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Foods Included In The Mediterranean Diet
Next, we will see in detail the foods that can be included, and which ones cannot, in the Mediterranean diet.
It’s good to note that the precursors of this diet emphasise that it allows you to eat a lot and, at the same time, maintain or lose weight.
- Vegetables: all included.
- Cereals: all included.
- Legumes: all included.
- Fruits: all included.
- Nuts: all included.
- Fats: this is one of the most important points in this diet. Only olive oil can be used. This is because, besides being natural, it’s also healthy.
- Fish and shellfish: it’s one of the few foods that can be eaten without limiting the quantity.
- Meats: red meats are not completely prohibited, but their consumption is very limited. In fact, the more you can avoid it, the better.
- Sweets: here I refer to desserts and other products with a large amount of sugar. It’s better to limit their consumption as much as possible. Dark chocolate is preferable and can be enjoyed in moderation.
- Dairy: both cheese and yoghurt can be consumed in moderation. Milk and butter must be avoided.
- Eggs: for these, the same applies as in the case of red meat or dairy products. They can only be eaten occasionally.
- Alcohol: it may sound controversial but you can enjoy up to 2 glasses of (preferably) red wine with your meals.

As we can see, there are a large number of foods approved in the Mediterranean diet.
This is positive because you can add variety to your plate.
Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet
Thanks to the many benefits it provides, different recognised institutions around the world recommend the use of the Mediterranean diet. Let’s see some:
Prevents Cardiovascular Conditions
The Spanish Society of Cardiology published a study entitled Benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
This shows the results of an evaluation carried out using Mediterranean foods, in comparison with those who don’t follow this eating plan.
It was shown that the Mediterranean diet contributes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also prevent strokes.
Improves Overall Health
A study carried out in Chile also highlights how positive it is to follow the Mediterranean Diet for our health.
This publication, called Current Evidence on the Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, confirms that many chronic health problems can be prevented and treated thanks to a proper diet, such as the Mediterranean diet.

Favours Intestinal Transit
The ability to improve intestinal transit, eliminating conditions such as constipation, is possible with this diet thanks to a large amount of fibre consumed, which is present in vegetables and cereals.
Contributes To Brain Function
The functioning of the brain is improved thanks to the Mediterranean diet, especially memory.
And not only does it allow us to remember many more things than before, but it also slows down the neuronal degeneration that we suffer, allowing cognitive capacity to be maintained for much longer.
Limits Diabetes
The foods included in this eating plan serve two functions for diabetes: it prevents the appearance of this condition thanks to the fact that it allows the regulation of the amount of sugar in the blood.
And, on the other hand, if the person is already suffering from this disease, it also helps to reduce the symptoms caused by it.
The Mediterranean diet is very healthy, so it’s not contraindicated for anyone.
Yet, certain points should not be overlooked to always protect your health.
For example, some minerals are obtained only through red meat, dairy or eggs, but since the diet limits their intake, their levels may drop.
Also, the Mediterranean diet usually includes the consumption of wine, especially to go with meals.
But, some people’s health could be compromised if they drink alcohol.
Such is the case of those who tend to alcoholism, suffer from a condition that is complicated by alcohol (NAFLD) or even pregnant women. In these cases, alcohol intake should be avoided.
Another important aspect to consider has to do with the amount of olive oil used in the diet.
If the amount consumed is high, it could cause weight gain, something contrary to what is sought with the Mediterranean diet.
Final Thoughts
For the above, many nutritionists including myself will vouch for the Mediterranean diet, yet, it’s always recommended to consult a qualified nutritionist before starting any diet.
In this way, it will be possible to know what measures to take, depending on the health condition and circumstances of each person.
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Is the Mediterranean diet suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
Yes, the Mediterranean diet can be adapted to suit vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. It emphasises plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts, making it a good choice for vegetarians and vegans. However, some modifications may be needed to exclude animal products entirely.
Can I follow the Mediterranean diet if I have food allergies or intolerances?
Yes, the Mediterranean diet can be tailored to accommodate various food allergies and intolerances. For example, if you’re lactose intolerant, you can choose lactose-free dairy products or dairy alternatives. If you have a gluten allergy or sensitivity, opt for gluten-free grains like rice and quinoa.
Is it necessary to drink red wine as part of the Mediterranean diet?
No, it’s not necessary to consume red wine if you don’t drink alcohol or if it’s not suitable for your health. While moderate red wine consumption is a feature of the Mediterranean diet for some, it’s entirely optional. You can still benefit from the diet’s health advantages without alcohol.
Are there any specific guidelines for portion sizes in the Mediterranean diet?
While the Mediterranean diet doesn’t prescribe specific portion sizes, it encourages mindful eating. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues and avoid overeating. Eating in moderation is a fundamental principle of the diet to maintain or lose weight.
Can I follow the Mediterranean diet if I have diabetes?
Yes, the Mediterranean diet can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes. It promotes foods that help regulate blood sugar levels, such as whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins. However, it’s essential to work with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to create a personalized meal plan that meets your specific needs.
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