Mind-Blowing Reasons to Stop Eating Fruits Right Now

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We’ve always heard that fruits are healthy and that we should eat at least 5 pieces of fruit a day. Experts in health, diet and nutrition are now reconsidering this premise. “Do fruits make us fat?”, is a great question and I will be sharing in this post an equally great answer.
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The questions I hear the most are “Are fruits not healthy then?” or “Do fruits make us fat?”. Those are very simplistic questions that lead to very simplistic answers too…
The best possible answer to them would be: It depends.
As with almost everything in life, this is relative and therefore we should ask ourselves beforehand:
For whom? Under which circumstances? Which amount? The more details we get, the more able we’ll be to get a correct answer.
According to many studies from different authors, the problem with fruit consumption is the fructose (fruit sugar widely used as a sweetener), and also about the excess of fruits in the diet.
Fruits are not recommended for people with certain disorders or health imbalances such as: fatty liver, metabolic disorders, bacterial intestinal infections, parasites or fungi (candidiasis for example), dysbiosis, obesity, infertility or hormonal syndromes.
In reality, there are a lot of reasons to stop eating fruits…
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What Is The Issue?
This scientific change of hearts is due to the fact that it was known that fructose (the sugar in fruit) does not need insulin to be metabolised, therefore it was supposedly a healthy type of sugar, even for diabetics, as it burns out quickly, which would be equivalent to eating vegetables.
Now it was discovered that this is not entirely true.
After treating and researching many metabolic imbalances, it was found that neither fruit is as good for everyone as they told us before, nor is fruit as bad as they tell us now.
And above all, it’s clear that it is not comparable to eating vegetables, which is far better and far more necessary.
The truth is that fruits provide many valuable and important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes or fibre (although this is not a nutrient, it is very important for health), but the fructose represents a huge disadvantage.

The key factor is that fructose is metabolised (broken down) only in the liver.
Whilst any other type of sugar can be metabolised in any cell thanks to insulin, fructose needs to go through the liver to be metabolised and converted into glycogen and other simple sugars that function as “raw materials” for our body.
This is not a problem if your liver is healthy, if you are very young, have a good metabolism, are an athlete or eat just 1 piece of fruit a day.
But what happens if you are overweight, your liver is saturated by medicines, you have some health imbalance or you eat 5 fruits a day?
In this case, you are overloading your liver a lot, the excess fructose will accumulate in the form of fat and you will enter a cycle of insulin resistance, and therefore, you will favour metabolic disorders of all sorts.
Amongst the most common we have: obesity, cholesterolemia and syndrome of polycystic ovaries.
So, Should You Stop Eating Fruits Or Not?
You may eat fruit if you like it, consciously and without going overboard with it.
A few general recommendations about fruits are:
- Do not eat fruit to lose weight or replace other foods. That’s not what it’s for, nor should it be.
- If you suspect that you may have candidiasis or some other gastrointestinal disorder, reduce fruit consumption and consult a specialist to follow a diet appropriate to your circumstances.
- It is better that you eat much more vegetables than fruits. You will get all the good nutrients, with far less sugar.
- Remember that fruit is a carbohydrate: it’s healthier, but it still counts as a carbohydrate.
- If you’re torn between eating an apple or some cookies, eat the apple instead. Always choose fruits over processed sugars.
- Do not eat fruit to “hydrate”. Drink water instead.
- Do not eat a lot of fruit in order to “go to the bathroom”. Eat vegetables instead. Find out the causes of your intestinal issues and solve them.
- Do not eat a lot of fruit a day. One piece a day in healthy circumstances it’s more than enough from a nutritional point of view
- If you eat fruit, better alone, without mixing with other foods or with other fruits.
- Beware of fructose or syrups as sweeteners. There are many studies that alert us about their danger, especially for certain health conditions.
- Be careful with dried fruit. Fresh fruit is always a better choice.
- Whenever you can, eat certified organic fruit.

Best Fruits To Eat
Tomato and avocado are also fruits, but they have no-to little fructose in them.
Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, lemons and currants are beneficial fruits, full of antioxidants and with very little amount of sugar.

If you want to eat fruit, eat fruit, as it has an important nutritional value.
But keep in mind that if you “need” a lot of fruit, you probably suffer from a nutritional or energy imbalance that needs to be sorted out.
Final Thoughts
Here we learned that not everything has a simple answer such as yes or no.
The best health decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, as we are all distinct individuals full of particularities.
If you choose to include fruits into your diet, there are definitely better choices than others, but ultimately, the decision is yours and now you are fitter to make the best one for yourself!
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Are fruits completely unhealthy then?
No, fruits are not completely unhealthy. While they do contain fructose, which can pose problems for certain health conditions, they also provide valuable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fibre. The key is to consume them consciously and in moderation.
Why is fructose considered problematic for some people?
Fructose, the sugar found in fruits, is metabolised primarily in the liver. While it doesn’t require insulin for metabolism like other sugars, excessive consumption of fructose can overload the liver, leading to the accumulation of fat and insulin resistance. This can contribute to various metabolic disorders, including obesity and cholesterol issues.
Which fruits are considered better options to consume?
No, fruits are not completely unhealthy. While they do contain fructose, which can pose problems for certain health conditions, they also provide valuable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fibre. The key is to consume them consciously and in moderation.
Should organic fruits be preferred?
Whenever possible, it is recommended to choose certified organic fruits to avoid exposure to pesticides and other harmful chemicals commonly used in conventional fruit production. Organic fruits also tend to have higher nutrient content.
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