2 Ways To Beat Zinc Deficiency In A Vegetarian Diet

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Zinc is an essential mineral that intervenes in many body functions, and yet, many people are zinc deficient. Here I will show how you can beat your zinc deficiency for good.
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Zinc is an essential chemical element for humans, intervening in the functioning of many enzymes, in the metabolism of proteins and collaborating in the proper functioning of the immune system.
It is necessary for wound healing, DNA synthesis, and is involved in taste and smell perceptions.
Regarding its antioxidant role, numerous studies demonstrate the beneficial action of zinc on immunity in general and there is a large amount of evidence in the last 50 years demonstrating its antiviral activity.
Zinc concentration is mainly determined by its dietary contribution, however, its bioavailability also depends on numerous dietary factors that, depending on each case, can negatively influence its absorption and storage or increase its excretion.
In addition, the concentration of zinc, whose consumption is triggered to fight infections, decreases rapidly with the onset of disorders.
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People Most At Risk Of A Zinc Deficiency Are Usually:
- Vegetarians and vegans
- Pregnant women
- Endurance athletes
- Alcoholics
- People with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetics, hypertensive and immunosuppressed
- Those who consume excess iron supplements
- Elderly people
Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency
Due to its role in the metabolism of proteins, zinc-deficient people may experience an overall decay in tissues in general, represented by hair loss, brittle nails and skin issues, such as cracks and eczema.

As zinc is also important for the immune system, wounds may take longer to heal in deficient people as well as making them more likely to suffer from infections, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, and consequently, weight loss.
Other related symptoms may include eye problems, mood changes, impotence (in men) and slow growth and delayed sexual maturity in children.
What Are The Foods Rich in Zinc?
Zinc is found in various foods, especially those rich in protein, and products of animal origin: meat, shellfish, fish, eggs and dairy products.
It is present in smaller amounts in products of plant origin such as seeds (pumpkin seeds stand out), nuts (especially peanuts and almonds), whole grains, chickpeas and cocoa.

These and other plant-based foods are a good way to get zinc into the diet, however, absorption is often lower due to the content of phytic acid, a phosphorus-containing organic acid found in whole grains, seeds and vegetables, and that it is a zinc inhibitor.
Out of all of the people at risk of zinc deficiency, vegans and vegetarians are the most susceptible since it can be very challenging for them to not only consume bioavailable zinc but also absorb it.

What Can Vegans and Vegetarians Do?
Vegans and vegetarians can benefit from the addition of yeast to their diets.
The action of the yeast reduces the level of phytic acid and therefore favours the absorption of zinc by the body.
That is why, for better zinc absorption, yeast-leavened whole-wheat bread, brewer’s yeast, and inactive nutritional yeast are recommended.

Studies have also shown that 0.05g of vitamin C counteracts the inhibitory effects of phytic acid in a meal containing more than 0.1g of this one.
This can be easily achieved by adding some lemon juice onto grains and vegetables or even by drinking it.

It also seems true that the absorption levels of zinc decrease with age, regardless of the amount that is consumed, therefore it could be advisable to supplement it when getting older.
Final Thoughts
Despite the massive effects Zinc has on our overall health, it’s never too much to remember that the best way to get your supply is through a varied diet and that supplementation must be discussed and advised by a health practitioner, as doses and duration of treatments may vary from person to person.
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Why are vegetarians and vegans more susceptible to zinc deficiency?
Vegetarians and vegans rely primarily on plant-based sources for their zinc intake. However, plant-based sources often contain phytic acid, which inhibits zinc absorption. This makes it more challenging for vegetarians and vegans to consume and absorb sufficient amounts of zinc compared to those who include animal products in their diet.
Can zinc deficiency affect immune function?
Yes, zinc plays a crucial role in immune function. Zinc deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Ensuring an adequate intake of zinc is essential for maintaining optimal immune function.
How can yeast help vegetarians and vegans overcome zinc deficiency?
Yeast contains compounds that reduce the levels of phytic acid in the body, thereby improving zinc absorption. Incorporating yeast-leavened whole-wheat breads, brewer’s yeast, or inactive nutritional yeast into the diet can help vegetarians and vegans enhance their zinc absorption.
What role does vitamin C play in combating zinc deficiency?
Vitamin C can counteract the inhibitory effects of phytic acid on zinc absorption. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C alongside zinc-rich foods can improve the body’s ability to absorb zinc. Adding lemon juice to grains and vegetables or including vitamin C-rich foods in meals can help optimize zinc absorption.
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