5 Natural Tips to Soothe Migraine Symptoms Right Now

5 Natural Tips to Soothe Migraine Symptoms Right Now

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Data shows that one in seven people suffer from migraines, and the condition is even more common than diabetes, asthma and epilepsy combined. It sounds pretty daunting but if there’s a will, there’s a way! In this post, I will show a few possible approaches to soothe migraine symptoms and keep them at bay.
Table of Contents

Migraines are strong headaches which often cause nausea, visual disturbances and increased sensitivity to light and sound. They can be caused by a variety of reasons such as stress, hormonal changes, dehydration, and tiredness, in addition to certain foods and drinks. 

If you are a migraine sufferer, you will be glad to know there are natural ways to prevent attacks and soothe migraine symptoms. Let’s get down to it:

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Learn Your Triggers

Cheese, citrus foods, smoked fish, cured meat and chocolate are some of the foods associated with increasing the risk of migraine attacks. Those are better eaten in moderation, or if you are a migraine sufferer, not at all, as they can be a trigger. Find out which food affects you and avoid it completely.

Migraine Triggers
Common migraine triggers: alcohol, dairy, citrus and cured meats

Make Use of Ginger Powder

Besides being great for nausea and digestive comfort, studies also show that taking 250mg of ginger powder relieves migraines as effectively as Sumatriptan, a medication commonly prescribed for the condition. Ginger can be added to stir-fries, curries and dressings, as well as taken as a tea.

Ginger Powder
Mix the ginger powder in warm water and sip it to help relieve headaches and migraines.

Take Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium plays an important role in the nervous system, which is one of the systems responsible for the development of migraines. Taking magnesium supplements in addition to a balanced diet is acceptable if, for any dietary reason, a natural intake of magnesium is not possible. It can help reduce the severity and frequency of migraines, as long as you choose a triple source of magnesium and take 400mg daily.

Magnesium Foods and Supplements
Eating lots of green leafy vegetables, quinoa, brown rice, beans, avocados and fish may also help to meet your daily needs.

Get Some Herbal Aid

Often related to stress and/or hormone imbalances, migraines can be naturally relieved and prevented.

20 drops of tincture in the water of herbs like Feverfew and Alecost are useful at reducing migraines, however, they shouldn’t be used during preconception, pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should always consult with a medical herbalist before undertaking any herbal treatment.

Herbal Tinctures
Herbal Tinctures like Feverfew and Alecost are useful at reducing migraine symptoms

Drink Water

Dehydration is one of the main causes of migraines. As the weather gets warmer, we may find ourselves dehydrated without even realising it. Also, if you’re used to drinking coffee or certain teas that are diuretics, you may be expelling more fluid than taking it, which can lead to dehydration, even though you’re drinking!

Water Drinking
Make sure that for every cup of coffee or tea, you drink a glass of water to stay hydrated.

Final Thoughts

Migraines can be daunting but most of the time they can be prevented. Make sure to follow the tips above to minimise the chances to suffer from this condition and increase your quality of life.

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