What are Phytoestrogens? Their Role in Menopause Explained

What are Phytoestrogens? Their Role in Menopause Explained

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Menopause is a natural transition that every woman goes through as they age, but the symptoms can be challenging to bear. Fortunately, phytoestrogens offer a natural way to regulate hormones and reduce discomfort during menopause. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of phytoestrogens, how they work, and the best sources to incorporate them into your daily diet.
Table of Contents

What Are Phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring substances found in plants. They have a similar chemical structure to the estrogen in the female body and can bind to the same receptors, making them excellent hormone regulators. Despite being only about 1/1000th as potent as animal-based estrogen, they have balancing effects on estrogen levels.

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How Do They Work?

When the body has an excess amount of estrogen, as typically seen in women of reproductive age, phytoestrogens compete for receptor sites with estrogen, resulting in a reduction of the hormone’s cancer-promoting effects. As estrogen levels start to decline during menopause, phytoestrogens can help boost hormone levels naturally.

The Natural Nutrition Plan for Menopause

Research has shown that a diet rich in phytoestrogens, combined with supplements and relaxation techniques, can alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, improve cognitive function, and protect against heart disease. Phytoestrogens may also play a role in preventing osteoporosis.

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A recent study of 650 women aged between 19 and 86 found that postmenopausal women with the highest intake of dietary isoflavones had significantly higher bone mineral density in their spines and hips than those with the lowest intakes (after adjusting other factors such as age, height weight, years since the menopause, smoking, and daily calcium intake)*.

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Best Sources of Phytoestrogens

Two particular forms of phytoestrogens are useful in controlling menopausal symptoms: isoflavones and lignans.


  • soy milk
  • soybeans
  • tofu
  • soy flour
  • soy nuts
  • beans and lentils
  • chickpeas
  • mung beans
  • alfalfa
  • red clover
Soybeans as well as other soy products like milk and tofu will provide you with plenty of phytoestrogens
Soybeans as well as other soy products like milk and tofu will provide you with plenty of phytoestrogens


  • flaxseeds
  • sesame seeds
  • sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • almonds
  • green and yellow vegetables
This mix of seeds will enrich your diet with Lignans, powerful precursors to phytoestrogens
This mix of seeds will enrich your diet with Lignans, powerful precursors to phytoestrogens

Adding Phytoestrogen-Rich Foods to Your Daily Diet

For those who wish to alleviate menopausal symptoms, we recommend consuming at least 100mg of isoflavones daily. As isoflavones leave the body quickly, we advise consuming phytoestrogen-rich foods little and often throughout the day.

Legumes of all types will also help you increase your isoflavones intake
Legumes of all types will not only make your diet more colourful, but they will also help you increase your isoflavones intake

Examples of phytoestrogen-rich foods to include in your daily diet:

  • 125g / 2 cup portion of whipped soy dessert. Phytoestrogen content: 20mg
  • Two slices of soy and flaxseed bread. Phytoestrogen content: 22mg
  • 125g / 2 cup portion of soy yoghurt. Phytoestrogen content: 10mg
  • A 250ml / 9fl oz glass of soy milk. Phytoestrogen content: 20mg
  • 100g / 342oz tofu. Phytoestrogen content: 25mg
  • A 250ml / 9fl oz glass of soy protein fruit shake. Phytoestrogen content: 20mg
A plate of tofu dressed with soy sauce and sesame seeds is a tasty way to get more than 25mg of phytoestrogens
A plate of tofu dressed with soy sauce and sesame seeds is a tasty way to get more than 25mg of phytoestrogens

Final Thoughts

Phytoestrogens offer a natural way to alleviate menopausal symptoms and play a useful part in a menopause control programme. Unlike hormone replacement therapy, which has side effects, phytoestrogens are 100% natural and the best approach to manage symptoms. By incorporating phytoestrogen-rich foods into your daily diet, you can help regulate your hormones and improve your overall health and wellbeing during menopause.

Have I missed something? Let me know on Twitter!

*Extracted from The Natural Menopause Plan by Maryon Stewart© 2017 published by Nourish Books, London.

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